
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Decided styles.

Luke told me to choose 5 styles I wanted to incorporate into my project. I chose Haida, Yakuza (Oriental in general perhaps), Celtic, Haida and old school. In those styles I shall do a wolf.

Idea for independent project.

I was planning on doing a tattoo practice project of sorts. My recent fascination with tattoo art spurred the idea for this plan, I would like to draw an animal in every style of tattoo (Traditional, Japanese, photorealistic etc.) And collaborate all of the drawings onto a board or a portfolio perhaps.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Oil Painting

So, this week we began practicing oil painting. Upon first trying it I was quite excited, but upon realizing I could not mimic the speaker in the way I wanted I began to become frustrated. I originally had not been used to these thick brush strokes and the lack of a detail brush, and it felt so sloppy to me. But upon further practicing I found I became better and it gave me satisfaction.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More Michio! I love this, everybody should watch all of his videos! He takes things so complicated and complex and concentrates it into something comprehensible for people without knowledge of physics!

Thoughts on Monday

Myths. I have always found them interesting. On account of the interview that we had seen I had heard something that piqued my interest, when he was talking about the story with the Antelope and the Snake he had mentioned them speaking to a deity.. It's name I would rather not type out because I am sure I will misspell it! But pertaining to that, that is the nickname for my cat. Which is odd, I heard it on the interview and had no idea it was the name of a god. Also, bodhisattva. I know quite a bit about that since my mom is quite spiritual and has quite the number of books about it.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

At last!

I have just found an article that I believe the song "The Funerary Dirge of a Violinist" by Carach Angren was based off of or at least the idea of it. I really love that song and was curious if it was based off of an actual story. I was so captured by the lyrics of that song that I have began a painting based off of it.


Alright. I have recently been interested in Pagan and Wiccan beliefs and after having spoken about them in class and watching the Wicker Man I found myself even more enthralled. Enthralled to the extent of researching and considering reading books specializing in such. Here is one of the sites I ran into.